
Ministry is about relationship

Nov 01, 2017
Marlys Butler

Dear Family and Friends,We want to invite you to be a part of a ministry the Lord has been leading us into for quite some time. Many of you have heard us talk about ‘The Ranch’. It has been a long-time dream that has developed over the years. This dream began over 30 years ago when we were in youth ministry and had two very young children. It started with the desire to have a working ranch for young people; young people that had little to no healthy family life, young people that struggled with their identity and were vulnerable. We wanted to help give them a chance, a family, a place to belong. We believed that in turn they would have a better chance at healthy relationships and raising their own families.

During this time we saw much success with Travel Camps. Travel Camps were originally started so Southern California youth could get outside of LA County. The ten-day long trips took us all over the West visiting National Parks, mountains and seaside camp locations. Working shoulder to shoulder accomplishing tasks like setting up our own tents, making food and traveling long distances, we were stretched and brought closer together working through all the many challenges. We had a lot of fantastic experiences, saw a lot of the country, and many came to know the Lord at Travel Camps. It was a great time to live out our faith and grow in the Lord.

This dream has appeared to die many times. It’s been put on the back burner for years as we served in ministry and raised our family. We had two more children, moved many times and then ended up in Western Washington. There, we planted two churches and Randy continued to write songs and lead worship while running his own business. Marlys helped with the business and church but her number one priority was to stay home with their four children, to homeschool and be mom. She also raised and trained horses, had a variety of farm animals, and always a garden.

The dream for a ranch didn’t die; it just needed to grow with us, be refined and to percolate. The biggest change over time is the realization that it was to be for families and individuals of all ages. Both of us came from families that extended love and opened their homes to people. We have a rich heritage and know we have been blessed to be a blessing. To quote Randy’s father, Drell Butler,

“Ministry is about relationship, relationship, relationship!”

For many years we have been praying and searching for where the Ranch would be located. We relocated from Washington to Montana in the fall of 2016 and in the spring of 2017 we sensed leading to be in the Bozeman area. We’re certain God has led us here and we have met many wonderful people and have many new friends. Randy is working as a superintendent at a local construction company.

We have served alongside so many of you, working shoulder to shoulder, and would love for you to be a part of this dream. We value your friendship and support and hope to see every one of you at R Creek Family Ranch in the future!


Marlys Butler
Randall Butler

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