
God is Doing a Small Thing

March 05, 2018
Randall Butler

Years ago I was given a book of Francis Schaefer’s sermons titled No Little People. I was remembering one particular sermon, “No Little People, No Little Places” recently while I was thinking about our life here in Montana.

If I could pinpoint one thing He has been doing in me over the last several years, it would be to truly see and love the person in front of me. It seems like a small thing, but He is giving me awareness to not look past anyone. Although it may sound like elementary stuff, I assure you as a contractor and commercial site superintendent, this has had some crazy challenges. My highlight reel is going off in my head as I write this. There have been many difficult people to love in this process and I’ve definitely had my failings. Still, He has made it clear to me that they all are worthy of His love.

Wait! Worthy of His love? Who is worthy of His love? Why? Who can deserve this? This is the crux, literally, of Christianity, and it gets missed and buried under much activity. He loves us and says we’re worthy to be loved. This is ridiculously profound to me and I have my own school and journey learning it. I am worth His love. It’s only because He says so, but believing it fully changes me forever. All of my years of trying to love people has not resulted in changing me like letting Him love me has. Even my failings and lack of love no longer dominate me because I know He loves me and has it covered.

We live in a world that’s always looking for the next big thing. We can easily fall in line with this thinking, but as much as He is doing a big thing, he is doing millions upon millions of small things. I have been saying to myself “God is doing a small thing” just to remind me to not overlook any person or situation - to love as He loves. This has been my school for the last decade and I like it. It’s also central to the heart of R Creek Family Ranch.

“....and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows". Matthew 10:29-31
Randall Butler

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